Freedom Mortgage Pavilion Tailgating
Tailgating is a fundamental part of a concert experience and is an important part of American culture.
It is important that all patrons follow the safety rules for tailgating at the Freedom Mortgage Pavilion, this will ensure that a friendly, safe environment is created. Furthering your enjoyment whilst attending a concert.
Please be aware that the parking lots are reserved for event patrons only. Traffic can get pretty hectic before an event, so please be mindful of your vehicle location. Parking is first come-first served. No saving of parking spaces is permitted.
One Vehicle per parking space.
Please tailgate directly in front or behind your vehicle only. Please check out the diagram below for correct tailgating setups. The venue provides NES parking attendants , who will patrol the lot and provide info on events and the venue.

No Tents or canopies are permitted whilst tailgating, this is to keep the vehicle aisles clear for traffic flow.
Please clean your tailgating area after use, in trash cans, bags or recycling bins provided. Tailgating will usually be available 2 hours before the venue starts, no tailgating is permitted whilst concert is on. Tailgating will shut down 20 minutes after the start of the advertised show time.